Highrise, JPW, Preacher Man (01/31/2017)

Men of Duncan Hall,

I know many of you are eagerly awaiting for the Rector's Weekly Newsletter to Duncan Hall. I apologize it's so late. Here it is:

Highrise Sign Ups
All of you should have received the Highrise email already. If not, then search for it. All the details are in that email.

Highrise Payment Available On-Line
Those who are paying with a credit card can pay online at: duncan.nd.edu. Cash and Check payments in the lobby.

Highrise TShirts Results
Congratulations to Miles Wood for winning the Highrise TShirt Design Contest. Here are the results: 42.7% Design 3; 25.3% Design 6; 13.3 Design 9

The shirt material: District® - Young Mens Very Important Tee®. DT6000.  50/50 cotton/polyester fabrics.

Calling all juniors and their family and loved ones: if your family is coming for JPW, Duncan Hall invites you and your family to the Saturday Luncheon. Please RSVP here. 

Bengal Bout Tickets
Luke Rafferty, Duncan Hall Boxer, will be selling Bengal Bout Tickets at Hall Council tonight.

Super Tuesday
9pm Doughnut Mass and 10pm Hall Council. You do not want to miss Hall Council tonight!

Man Hour Thursday
Come join your brothers in the 24 at 10pm for some Man Hour.

One last thing, courtesy of Fr. Mark: There was a bad winter storm and a man finds himself the only one who showed up to church. The preacher says, "Well doesn't look like there's anyone else coming." The man answers, "I'm no preacher; I'm a farmer so I know a thing or two about farming. When I go out to the field and there's only one cow, I still feed it." So the preacher went on with the service and preached his regular 30 minute sermon.  At the end of the service the farmer says, "I'm no preacher; I'm a farmer and I know a thing or two about farming. When I go out to the field and there's only one cow, I don't dump the whole bucket at it!"

Peace brothers,
Nhat Nguyen

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