Highrise Info, EM Training, Super Tuesday (01/24/2017)

To All the Men of Duncan Hall,

Happy Newsletter Tuesday! If you're following the Austrilian Open, then you are probably rooting for some vintage finals match ups for this weekend: Nadal vs. Federer and Williams vs Williams.  The world, at least the tennis world, will hopefully be set in order. To that end, Duncan Hall is bringing back some timeless events in the following weeks:

The Highlander Highrise
The Highrise is on February 11, 2017. Attached is the timeline and expectations for that day.

  • Sign Ups for the Highrise will begin on February 1st via email Google form. Form closes Sunday February 5th at midnight. We have to submit the roster to the Willis Tower the following Monday.
  • Due to fire code limit, here's the priority sign up order:
    • On Campus Highlanders with no incident
    • Off Campus Seniors with no incident
    • On Campus Highlanders with incident
    • Off Campus Highlanders with no incident
    • Off Campus Seniors with incident
    • Off Campus Highlanders
  • Payments are due Sunday February 5th.  Dates/Times for Collecting Payments: TBA
  • Cost: On Campus: $90/couple or $45/single. Off Campus: $110/couple or $55/single

Highrise TShirt Design Contest
We have some great designs this year. Cast your vote here by Friday January 27, 2017.

Duncan EM Training
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or EM for short, Training for the spring semester is on Monday January 30th after the 9pm Mass. If you're returning from abroad or if you're interested in serving in this role for the first time, please attend the training.

Man Hour Poker Night
Man Hour resumes this week with a poker night in the 24 at 10pm. Winner gets a Duncan Hall apparel.

Super Tuesday
Again, Doughnut Mass resumes tonight at 9pm as well as Hall Council at 10pm!

That's all for this week. Below is an announcement from Jeff, but one last thing: thank you for all the condolences over the weekend, as you know Green Bay Packers were 4-6 at one point and went on an 8 game win streak and during that time, they "BEARLY" beat Chicago 30-27 in week 15!


Peace brothers,

Nhat Nguyen

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