A Tradition Unlike Any Other

The Green Blazers began as a Duncan Hall tradition in the winter of 2013. Overlooking the majestic Burke golf course, Duncan Hall has taken pride in its country club luxuries. The Green Blazer Project was initiated by Josh Whelan to imitate the jackets worn by members of the prestigious Augusta National Golf Club, which hosts the annual Masters Tournament. Yes, I suppose you could say this effectively makes Duncan Hall the Augusta National of dorms.

The Inaugural Green Blazer Ceremony was held February 21, 2013 in the Duncan Hall Main Lounge and each participating Highlander was called forth to receive their own green sport coat embroidered with the Duncan Hall Crest. The tradition lives on to this day, with blazers bestowed upon the newest class of Highlanders each September by their section RAs. The vibrant green color of the Blazers unifies Highlanders as one and all under the motto of Community, Brotherhood, and Respect and continues to build notoriety, spirit, and pride in a young dorm on an old campus.

Duncan Hall Highlanders wear their green blazers every Friday before home football games and on special occasions as designated by the Traditions Commissioners.