JPW, The Feve, Applications (2/16/2016)

Men of Duncan,

We are more than halfway through February! During these busy weeks, remember to get some sleep! Sleep is very essential to the body, perhaps even more than working out and healthy diet.  The sleeping brain is very active; not passive as you may think.  Sleep improves your well-being because it protects against stress, anxiety, and even depression; cognitive because it benefits learning and memory, decision making and creative problem solving; physical health because it helps regulate the immune system, repairs damaged tissue, and optimizes physical abilities; and finally, sleep improves emotional stress. Even with 20 more minutes a day, you will start to see performances increase. Recommended nap time is 90 minutes so your brain can go through the whole sleep cycle, or no more than 30 minutes so you don't fall into a deep stage 4 sleep and waking up more tired than you want. In addition, community is very important because no man is an island! Read on to see all the stress-free events that are happening in Duncan Hall this week:

Junior Parents Weekend
Duncan Hall is hosting a JPW Luncheon this Saturday (2/20) from 12:30pm-2pm in the Duncan 24 Hour Lounge. All juniors and your loved ones are welcome. 

NO Social Gatherings and Visiting Hours (Parietals) end at Midnight throughout the weekend. Please see the attached memo.

While the juniors and their parents are lunching in the 2-4 for Junior Parents Weekend, we will be having the FIRST EVER DUNCANWIDE SMASH TOURNAMENT! It will be held THIS Saturday, Feb 20th at 2 PM. To sign up for the tournament click here! We will be having at least two TV’s going simultaneously, so it’s guaranteed to be a ~~~wild~~~ time. Food TBD. 
—RA’s Michael and Jay

Holy Cross House Friday
As a follow up to the "What's Next?" challenge during the MLK Day celebrations, Duncan and Ryan Halls are visiting the Holy Cross House on Friday from 2:30pm - 4pm.  The Holy Cross House is where retired Holy Cross Priests reside. We're aware of Fr. Ted's contributions to Notre Dame and the world; however, there are many more great and holy men like him who reside in the Holy Cross House that helped built Notre Dame into the great institutions that exists, most of whom are often forgotten in the busyness of our daily lives.  Come to hear some great stories! Then at 4pm, we will return to Ryan Hall for pizzas and conversations. We will meet in the lobby at 2:15pm to carpool across the Lakes. I hope many of you can join us for all or part of the event and find it meaningful.

The Feve and Thursday Nights
As most of you know, "Club Fever announced in a Facebook post Saturday that two forms of identification will be required for entrance." As a result, the staff speculates that many students will no longer be going to "The Feve" on Thursday nights.  I want to remind everyone that Thursday night is a week night and the dorm environment should maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to studies; strictly enforced.  In addition, we have mass in Duncan Hall from 9pm-9:30pm on Thursdays, please be respectful and mindful of the celebration.

Man Hour with Fr. Mark
Man Hour will feature Fr. Mark's culinary skills on Thursday at 10pm. Come and learn how to cook, and the caveat is you will then eat what you cooked.

Duncan Hall Blood Drive
Mark your calendar for the Duncan Hall Blood Drive next Wednesday from 12:30pm-4:30pm in the Duncan 24.  Sign up for an appointment here. Spread the words.

Housing Updates
Housing Application for 2016-2017 is open. Visit for more information.
Room Picks will occur after Easter Break, between March 28th-April 6th.

Hall Election
Reminder that Hall President/VP, Senator, and SUB Rep applications are due tonight at Midnight. We will hold a debate next Tuesday after Hall Council.

Welcome Weekend Team
The application for Welcome Team is available here. Let me know if you have any questions.

Duncan Athletics
Section Basketball Playoffs: This Weekend.
A Team Interhall Basketball:

B Team Interhall Basketball:

Interhall Hockey:

I understand that it's a very long email so if you've read the whole thing, then see me for a gift! Other than that, one more thing, in the 1940s, when Pope John 23rd was still an archbishop and the papal nuncio, or ambassador, in Paris, he was at an elegant dinner party, seated across from a woman wearing a low-cut dress that exposed a good deal of cleavage. Someone turned to him and said, "Your Eminence, what a scandal! Aren't you embarrassed that everyone is looking at that woman?" And he said, "Oh no, everyone is looking at me, to see if I'm looking at her."

Have a good week boys.


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