Kisses, Election, Lent (2/9/2016)

Men of Duncan,

Since we no longer have to watch the Carolina's dabs, basketball season officially starts now! But there's a lot to look forward to as well, like the season of Lent AND Kissing Friday! You thought the ashes were the coolest part of the beginning of Lent?!  Across the pond in England, the Friday following Ash Wednesday has traditionally been deemed as Kissing Day.  Throughout the holiday, schoolboys were entitled to kiss any girl without fear of punishment or rejection.  Unfortunately for you fellas, the holiday was discontinued in the 1940s.  Ironically, the production of Hershey Kisses was also stopped in the 1940s.  From 1942-1949, no Hershey kisses were sold in order to ration the silver foil used for wrappers.  While Ducan Hall might not be able to supply you with a sweetheart or endlessly satisfy your sweet tooth, we do have plenty of opportunities for you to receive and spread a little Christian Love.  Read on to see how we're ringing in the Lenten season in the upcoming week.


Highrise Saturday
ABSOLUTELY no social gatherings on Saturday February 13, 2016 from 6pm-3am. Sister Mary Lynch from McGlinn Hall will be the "Rector-on-Duty" should you need anything. In addition, NDSP Officer Anthony Clark will also be on duty in the Duncan 24 Hour Lounge throughout the evening. You are welcome to host your guests in Duncan; however, the expectation is NO SOCIAL GATHERINGS when the Duncan Hall Staff is not around. I will be very disappointed and embarrassed if we inconvenient our guests-on-duty with incidents other than emergencies.

Hall Election
After Hall Council tonight, there's an interest meeting for those who are considering to run for President/VP, Senator, and SUB Representative. Let's make Duncan great! Application is attached.

Campus Climate Survey
Half of you received a University's survey, Diversity and Inclusion Climate Survey, please take a moment to fill it out. It is very important to create Christian community here at Notre Dame. Thank you for your feedback.

Donut Mass Tonight
Looks like we're going to get a pretty big crowd so come early for a seat, and then offer it up for our guests!

Ash Wednesday
Lent starts tomorrow with Ash Wednesday; we will have Mass at 9pm. In addition, all able Catholics are encouraged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Man Hour Thursday
Be on a look out for Man Hour flyers.

Duncan Hall Blood Drive
Mark your calendar, we will be having a Blood Drive on Wednesday, Feb. 24th in the Duncan 24 Hour Lounge.

That's all for this week.  Hopefully, you'll be able to attend some of the festivities throughout the week despite the massive amounts of mid-semester work.  And one more thing, if you are feeling a tad overwhelmed, I recommend increasing your dosage of Hershey kisses.  Chocolate is known to release extra endorphins, increase memory, and, in large doses, help you stay awake and alert...and you thought the Kissing Friday was the coolest part of this email?!

Have a good week gentlemen.
Peace be with you,
Nhat Nguyen

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