Memorial Service, More Highrise, Forms and Surveys (1/26/2016)

Men of Duncan,

As January comes to a close, we enter the shortest month of the year, February, yet it is one of the busiest months in the academic year! This February happens to be a leap year with 29 days rather than 28, an occurrence every four years. For those who was born on Feb. 29, you get to celebrate your birthday on your actual birthday this year. While it doesn't mean you're 1/4 younger than your peers, you do have 3/4 times the difficulties celebrating your birthday. Speaking of celebrations, we have lots of celebrations coming up at Duncan Hall:

Ping Pong Tournament
Immediately after Hall Council tonight, we will host a Ping Pong Tournament. One game to 15 by 2. Winner gets $10 to the Highlander Grille. Must be present to participate and win.

Saturday Memorial Service
Fr. Mark invites the Duncan Hall community to Dr. Jack Thesing's Memorial Service on Saturday January 30th at 9:30am in the Basilica. Fr. Mark's father was cremated and Saturday marks two months after his death; he will reside here on campus in Cedar Grove Cemetery.  All are invited to the reception after the service in the LaFortune Ballroom as well. Walkover from the lobby at 9:15am on Saturday with your Green Blazers if you have one.

Pajamas Breakfast with Ryan Hall
The Brother-Sister Commissioners have planned another Pajamas Breakfast at Duncan Hall for this Sunday January 31st from 10am - 12pm.  Come one, come all. Check out the pictures from last semester:

Highrise Updates
The schedule for the Highrise is attached. Sign Up Here or at; deadline is Sunday February 7th. The Highrise commissioners will be collecting money from Feb. 1st to 7th in lobby. Cash, Checks payable to Duncan hall, or Credit. Buses Sign Ups start Monday, Feb. 8th.

Highrise TShirt Colors
Some of you expressed the desire for more color variations and Ryan Fitzgerald, winner of the design, is open to the idea.  Vote here. Ends Wednesday at midnight so we can get the designs to the vendor.

Invite Your Favorite Professor
In an effort to integrate the academia and residential life, Duncan Hall will host an "Invite Your Favorite Professor (Catered) Dinner" in Duncan Hall on February 25, 2016 from 6pm-8pm. This special opportunity offers 15 Highlanders to host their favorite professors in our home to show them our gratitude. If you are interested, please fill out this form. If we have more than 15 people interested, then we will draw a lottery.  Please do not ask your professors until you are confirmed by the rector.

Junior Parents Weekend
Attention all juniors: Duncan Hall is hosting a JPW Luncheon on Saturday, February 21st of JPW Weekend; thus, for us to plan accordingly, please RSVP for your family. Thanks!

Remember, Donut Mass at 9pm tonight and Laundry Pick Up early tomorrow so drop it off tonight. That's all in terms of announcements, but before I go, one more thing... a fish swims into a wall and says, "DAM!"

Peace brothers,
Nhat Nguyen

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