FitBit, Highrise Updates, Hall Council (1/19/2016)


Happy Duncan Rector's Newsletter Tuesday. We are still settling into the newness of the new year and for those who are into new year's resolutions but have given up on them, good news! Rector is accepting FitBit friends requests:  Duncan Hall is stepping into the fittest dorm on campus this year. Speaking of friendly competitions, read on to see how you can assert dominance this week in Duncan Hall:

Highrise TShirt Designs Contest
The designs are in and the polls are open. Vote for your Highrise T-Shirt here. Voting ends on Friday January 22nd.

Highrise Sign ups
You can now start signing up for the Highrise; last day to sign up is Monday Feb. 8th.  If you qualify for Rector Fund, then let me know. If you are unsure, then we can always check. Fill out this form to sign up.

Hall Council and the Grille
Hall Council resumes this evening in the 24 at 10pm.  Those who attend Hall Council will get a token for a $1 off the Highlander Grille. Limit one per person and item must be more than a $1. There may also be an Ice Hockey Video Highlights (3-0 Win) from last night!!! (Maybe...if I get around to it!)

Donut Mass Tonight
Fun Fact: Donut is an American invention; Doughnut is the preferred spelling. Anyways Duncan Donut Mass continues tonight: Mass at 9pm, followed by Donuts and fellowship. Invite your friends.

Man Hour - Pool Tournament. Prize: Duncan TShirt. 
Man Hour continues with a social this Thursday at 10pm in the 24.  Be present to participate in the Man Hour Pool Tournament for a Duncan T-Shirt and Bragging Rights.

Prayer and Faith Opportunities
EM Training
Fr. Mark and the Liturgical Commissioners will offer an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist training on Sunday at 8pm before 9pm Mass. Campus Ministry is also offering EM Training on Wednesday at 8pm in the Basilica. 

Evening Prayer
Several folks have been gathering daily (M-Th) at 8:45pm in the chapel for evening prayer. All are welcome. Mass is also celebrated daily at 9pm in the Chapel.

Eucharist Adoration with Campus Ministry
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Monday - Thursday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm in the Coleman-Morse chapel.  Anyone is free to come visit at any time but CM also has a sign-up sheet for students who would like to commit to a half hour every week.  This sign-up sheet is accessible online at  Additionally, if anyone has questions, email Alex White at

Have a wonderful week boys. Keep moving, stay warm, eat healthy, and hydrate! 

Nhat Nguyen, Rector

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