Munchkin, O'Leary Cup, Christmas (11/29/2016)

Men of Duncan,

Happy Tuesday of the First Week of Advent.  T'is the season when the days are shorter and the nights are longer.  T'is the season of waiting and anticipating. For many of us, that's finals and exams! For the Catholic Church, it's the advent, or 'coming,' of Christ. For all of us, here's what's "coming" up in Duncan Hall:

Duncan Munchkin

Professor Goodrich and Baby Beatrice are safe and sound.  Professor Goodrich sends her regards:

Name: Beatrice Aurora Goodrich
Date of Birth: November 22, 2016
Time of Birth: 5:45 pm
Weight: 7 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 19.5 inches
Hair Color: Brown (currently - but my blonde Josie also had brown hair at birth)
Eye Color: Very dark blue (I think they are going to turn brown)


s for the guess that baby competition, minus Professor Victoria Goodrich's entry (which were the closest in all catorgories), here are some winners:

  1. Thomas O'Boyle: Closest Date: 11/19/2016
  2. Alex Ju: Closest Time: 5:33pm
  3. Alfonse Murphy: Closest Length and Weight: 19 inches 7lb 8oz
  4. Cameron Hunter: Closest Hair and Eye Color: Brown and Bluish Brown
  5. "What Were You Thinking Award": Michael Guarnuccio
    1. Weight: 7lb 6 oz but Length: 29 inches!!!
  6. "Rounder Upper Award": Rachel Thome
    1. Time: 6pm, Length: 20inches, Weight: 8lbs
  7. Honorable mention for closest overall guesses: Elise Paietta
    1. Date: 11/18, Time: 3:20, Length: 19inches, Weight: 7lbs 14 oz, Hair: Brown, Eye: Brown

Basketball Teams

The basketball team rosters are attached. It is also posted in the lobby. Those interested in Ice Hockey, contact Garrett Schwartz <>.

O'Leary Cup

I want to call your attention to RecSport's O'Leary Cup, awarded to the best InterHall Sports dorm. Duncan Hall is in second place behind Siegfried at the moment but we are in striking distance because Duncan has always been a strong spring InterHall Sports dorm.  Every game, every sport matters! Let's Goo Duncan!!! Here's the standings.

Christmas Decorations Contest

Thursday at 9:30pm. If you are around Thursday, it is worth sticking around for the show! Walk through the sections for performances and entertainment. It will be a great evening in the dorm!

Super Tuesday
Duncan DOnut Mass at 9pm
Hall Council at 10pm

Odds and Ends

Christmas Closing

Just a reminder as you plan your Christmas Travels, all residence halls close at 2pm on Saturday December 17th and reopen on Sunday January 15th at 9am.


As the weather gets colder, remember that smoking is prohibited within 25 ft from any building on campus. Please do not smoke under the Duncan Hall archway.

That's all gentlemen, but one more thing, There are 3 fundamental truths about religion: Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Son of God, Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the Vicar of Christ, and Baptists don't recognize each other at the bar on Saturday nights.

Peace brothers,

Nhat Nguyen

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