Family Weekend, Man Hour, Zootopia (9/20/2016)
Men of Duncan,
Many students claim that there are only two seasons at Notre Dame: football and winter; however, Thursday officially begins the autumn season, or aka fall--the fall of leaves! Both fall and autumn are acceptable; American writers are indiscriminate, using both fall and autumn, usually depending on which sounds better. Read on to see how you can fall into the autumn season at Duncan Hall:
Parents and Family Weekend
This weekend is Family Weekend at Duncan Hall! All are welcome weather your family is coming in your not. We're all family here!
Friday 9/23: 5:30pm Cookout in the Courtyard.
Saturday 9/24: 10am Brunch in the 24
Sunday 9/25: 11am Mass followed by Coffee and Doughnut. NO 9PM Mass.
Please RSVP at so we have an estimation on how many to plan for.
For all the gameday events, visit to plan your weekend.
Overnight Guest Form
We have transistion to an online overnight guest form. It can be found on the website or with this direct link. Bookmark it for future reference.
Man Hour Thursday
Duncan Hall weekly programs are starting up again. The first Man Hour of the year is this Thursday at 10pm in the 2-4. Theme is game night! Come for some free food and fellowship.
Wednesday Cards and Snacks
Fr. Mark hosts Cards and Snacks in his room every Wednesday after 9pm daily Mass. All are welcome, invite your friends.
Free Flu Shots
University Health Services are offering free flu shots starting next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in the Stepan Center. See flyer for details. Mark your calendar. Another reminder next week.
Duncan's First Babyshower
The men of Duncan is hosting a babyshower for our faculty fellow, Professor Victoria Goodrich, on October 1st. We need your help to design the Onesie. Submit ideas here.
InterHall Football
Duncan Hall Football opens the season on Sunday against Stanford Hall at 1pm in the LaBar Field (football practice field). Invite your family to come support our Highlanders.
Super Tuesday
Doughnut Mass at 9pm. Invite all your friends; it's campus wide event.
Hall Council at 10pm.
Play your FIFA and Ping Pong games.
Debate Watch
Next Monday, the Highlander Grille is sponsoring a Debate Watch starting at 9pm in the 24.
That's all for this week! Enjoy the fall weather while it's still here; campus glows autumnal this time of year! One last autumn/fall reference, I promise: what did one autumn leaf say to another? "I'm falling for you (as it literally falls off the branch)!"
Peace brothers,
Nhat Nguyen
A message from RA Frank the Tank!
Hey dudes! Frank the Tank here. I'm leading a walkover to the SUB Movie ZOOTOPIA this Thursday. We'll be leaving the 2-4 Lounge at 7:45pm. Movie starts at 8PM. All Duncan guys are welcome to join! We'll be meeting up with the lovely 'pyros' of Pasquerilla East Hall. #dates
Please sign up on the sheet attached so I have a better idea how many tickets to buy. See you at the movie!! 🐒