Fall Break, Hall Pictures, Study Breaks (10/04/2016)

To All the Men of Duncan Hall,

Happy October! Many of you have heard that one of the greatest things about Notre Dame is all it has to offer and one of the worst things about Notre Dame is all it has to offer. This week alone is Respect Life Week, Energy Week, Graduate/Professional Students Appreciation Week, Mental Health Awareness Week, and a very busy week before midter!  The month edicated to Mary Our Lady, National Cyber Security Awareness, Dental Hygiene, Right to Life, and Squirrel Awareness has just begun, yet it seems overwhelmingly packed with everything. If you are excited about the awesome-ness that is October, keep reading and see how uncan hall is celebrating the first seve-is days of the month (which just happens to be No-Salt Week): 

Everything Fall Break
Fall Break technically starts on next Friday 10/14/2016 at 5pm; however, with the Stanford game, we anticipate that many students will stay until Sunday morning.  All are welcome to stay as long as you wish.  If you are staying in Duncan Hall over Fall Break (Sunday 10/16 - Saturday 10/22), then let us know so we know who's in the dorm. Please fill out this form.

Fall Break Parietals
Starting Friday 10/14/2016 until Saturday 10/22/2016, parietals are at MIDNIGHT! This is next weekend! Not this weekend.

Basement Storage Access for Fall Brea
all Staff will open the basement storage during these times: 
Next Wednesday 10/12:  9:30pm-10:00p
Next Thursday 10/13:  9:30pm - 10:00pm
If you can't make these times, then send a friend or roommate. If you need access outside these times, then we will encourage you to give $5 to the Sunday collection.

House Keeping
Men, please respect our spaces. The bathroom trashcan is not the trash room; it cannot hold pizza boxes nor large items, take them to the trash room.  It is down the hall way, not that far of a walk. The trashcan is too small to even hold all of the weekend's paper towel, so be considerate of others and take your trash to the trash room; it's not that far of a walk. Let me know if you have any concerns.

Moreau First Year Experience
Your Integration Project is due on October 10th at midnight. Nothing this week nor next week after the Integration project.

Blazer and Hall Pictures
Jimmy Kane has generously took and edited the pictures from the green blazer ceremony and the hall picture. Check them out here.

Study Break Opportunities in Duncan This Week
As Previously Announced by our Hall President Mr. Max Towey:


  • uncan Donut Mass at 9p. All are welcome! Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Peace!
  • all Council at 10pm, followed by Ping Pong Championship. Michael Heeder vs Michael Kusznerko/Ryan McAndrews
  • Free Smoothies after hall council! Somewhat surprisingly, smoothies are actually one of our best edible defenses against typical winter illnesses.  Within one clear, plastic glass of blended fruit and milk, you can receive some of the most essential nutrients for your body (which, we should recall, was beautifully and wonderfully made.)  Calcium offers strong teeth and excellent blood clotting.  On the fruity side of things, bananas boost brain power, strawberries clear skin, and raspberries contain more antioxidants than broccoli.  Aside from the health benefits, slurping a small smoothie generally qualifies as being both tasty and entertaining.


  • 9pm Daily Mass, followed by cards and snacks with Fr. Mark


  • 9pm Daily Mass
  • 10pm Man Hour: Men and Cars--maintenance and emergency skills


  • $3 Ice Skating at Compton Family Ice Arena from 7:30pm - 9:30pm. Bring your friends from any dorms, tell them you're with Duncan/Ryan Event for the free admittance. $3 skate rentals.


  • Game Night at Howard Hall from 9pm-11pm.

I hope that your October gets off to a marvelous star nd in honor of the tenth month of the 016, you are reducing your salt consumption and brushing your teeth.  ctober is also when baseball, football, basketball, ice hockey and other sports overlap so here's the one more thing: one can assume that athletes stay cool by staying close to the fans!

Peace Brothers!
Nhat Nguyen,

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