Donuts, Pope, Basketball (9/22/2015)
In the midst of another stressful week with the craziness that is term papers and multiple choice exams, here's a few study tips from the Internet: chew gum while test-taking to pump oxygen to the brain, listen to jazz music to "relieve boredom," and turn your course material into rhymes for ideal memorization. If you do happen to have a free moment, however, please feel free to join us for any occasions below. We can't promise A's on tests and papers, but we can offer a little bit of peace of mind.
Open Door Policy
We'd love to see how you're doing. To the extend that you are comfortable, please feel free to have your door open or cracked when you're home.
GameDay Weekend
Yes, it's another home game this weekend and the protocols remain the same. In addition, make smart decisions surrounding GameDay and pre-game activities.
Pray for no more injuries.
Unofficial Parents Weekend
Since a lot of parents and families are coming into town this weekend, Duncan Hall will host a "coffee and donuts" in the 24 on Saturday morning from 10am-12pm. We will be serving: DUNKIN' DONUTS AND COFFEE. Official Parents Weekend at Duncan Hall is the weekend of the Wake Forest game on November 14th.
Pope Scope
Here is the Official Schedule For Pope Francis’ Visit to U.S. Feel free to use the 24 TV to follow our Pope. Noteworthy:
- Thursday at 10AM: Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
- Friday at 8:30AM: United Nations General-Assembly
- Sunday at 4PM: Papal Mass for World Meeting of Families
Thursday Pick Up Basketball
A few Highlanders has challenged the Rector to the game of basketball so on Thursday afternoon around 4:15pm, anyone who wants to play basketball are welcome to meet us at the Rock. #BringThePain #BetterBringYourAnkleBraces
Green Blazers
Deadline to order and pay is TONIGHT after Hall Council. Christian Woods and Lukas O'Donnell with be available after Hall Council to take orders and/or collect payments.
Man Hour
Man Hour continues this Thursday at 10pm in the 2-4.
Mark Your Calendars:
Mental Health Resources
As part of the "What I Learned at ND" series, Annie Eeaton, a Care Consultant in Student Affairs, will stop by Duncan Hall next Friday (10/2) at 4pm to give a presentation on Mental Health and offers valuable resources that the university offers. Everyone is encouraged to come because all of us know someone who's struggling with mental health. Come help yourself, help your friends.
Clemson Game Watch!
Game time and network has been posted (Next Saturday at 8pm on ABC). Duncan Hall will host a GameWatch in the courtyard (yes, bring your own blankets and lawn chairs) and Nhat will DJ in between commercials.
Highlander Highrise Date Change
The Highrise has traditionally been the weekend after Junior Parents Weekend; however, the Willis Tower is not available that evening so right now we are looking at Saturday February 13th. Mark your calendar.
That's all folk! Good luck the rest of the week. If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way! Come to Hall Council at 10pm tonight.