Vote for Duncan Hall on ND Day
To all residents, alumni, friends of Duncan Hall, and all people of good will,
I want you to know that the residents of Duncan Hall, and its esteemed Highlanders, share a deep appreciation and affection for one another as well as for the building they have called their home during their time at Notre Dame.
If you have a deep appreciation and affection for Duncan Hall as we do, then PLEASE consider participating in an upcoming University event called “Notre Dame Day.”
What is Notre Dame Day?
Good question. Officially, the day “is a global celebration of the Notre Dame mission that engages, informs, and inspires people to take action and give back,” and that is what we are hoping for: that you tune in, take action, and give back to Duncan Hall on Notre Dame Day.
Why is it important that you give?
Because the University has $1,100,000 available to distribute among its twenty-nine residence halls and its various clubs, organizations, centers, and colleges. The amount Duncan will receive depends on how many votes we get on Notre Dame Day.
How does Duncan get votes and a slice of that million dollar pie?
The million dollar give away will be determined by a voting system, organized as follows:
- A donor’s first donation on Notre Dame Day ($10 minimum) entitles the donor to 5 votes to give to an organization or hall of their choosing. GIVE DUNCAN ALL YOUR VOTES, MORE INFORMATION BELOW.
- Each donation after the first (also $10 minimum) entitles the donor to 1 additional vote for an organization or hall of their choosing.
Once the donation period has ended, the votes will be tabulated and organizations will receive the same share of the million dollars as the percentage of votes they received of the total votes made.
That means if 50,000 votes are cast between all the halls and groups on campus, a single donation of only $10 could entitle Duncan Hall to as much as $100! That’s ten times your initial donation! AMAZING!
Who can vote?
ANYONE... current students, Alumni, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, cousins and distant relations several times removed, neighbors, kind hearted strangers, co-workers, corporations and small businesses, Pope Francis and Fr. John Jenkins… ANYONE. SO ENCOURAGE ANY AND EVERYONE TO GIVE…AND GIVE ALL YOUR FIVE VOTES TO DUNCAN HALL.
How can I vote?
What will Duncan Hall do with its slice of the pie?
Lots of things!
Isn’t Duncan just being greedy?
NO. Perish the thought…
Give because of the sake of giving… Give because of the potential tax breaks… and if not for that, then give because IT’S FOR THE KIDS!!!!
Contact Nhat Nguyen/
All our love,
Duncan Hall
(and the creative writers at St. Edward's Hall which we kindly 'borrowed' this format from--Good luck to you gentleman as well)